The Big Move

So, there will likely be a few more posts that technically took place before this one (some fantastic goodbye parties, for starters), but I think that this one is the one that people are currently interested in.

So moving day started off with (because Michelle is insane) a half-marathon. We had packed most of our stuff (with the help of Guy and Shirley) over Friday and Saturday, so Michelle was able to take just over two hours to say goodbye to Vancouver in a gruelling, sweaty and exhausting fashion. She seemed pretty euphoric afterwards (I blame endorphins) and says she couldn’t have picked a better way to say farewell to the city.

After getting caught in post-race traffic, we raced out to the Burnaby U-Haul to pick up our truck and car trailer. They had changed our reservation the day before in response to me telling them that when I booked a truck to move with during the day on Sunday, a truck at 4:00pm in North Vancouver wasn’t going to help me. As well, since we now had a car trailer that wouldn’t fit in our apartment roundabout, we had to go out to Langley to drop it off, then race back into Vancouver.

We arrived back in Vancouver ready to start moving about an hour and a half into our elevator moving reservation (we booked it from 1:00pm-4:00pm) to find out that the building guy was leaving at 3:30pm, so we actually only had it until then. We commenced with the moving! Luckily, our friend Kyle had made the mistake of offering his help the night before, so we quickly locked that down and began packing stuff into the elevator. Between Michelle and myself, Guy and Shirley, and Kyle, (thank you so much) we managed to get everything out of the apartment by 5:00pm (when the cleaners arrived), and we finally left the premises around 6:00 with everything from our storage locker.

Cue wine/beer and the hottub. After a great dinner, hottub and sleep at Guy and Shirley’s, we hit the road at 5:30am the next day. We trucked along at a slightly higher rate of passage than our trailer recommended, however we arrived in one piece with not a lot to report. We did see some deer, bighorn sheep and a black bear and her cub while cruising through Jasper National Park though, which was nice! Stopping occasionally for feedings (either us or Belle), we arrived in Edmonton around 9:30 Pacific time.

We spent a couple days in our temporary apartment, Michelle went to orientation, and then we hopped back on the road for a weekend in Jasper, which is where we are now! That’s a post for the future, however…

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2 Responses to The Big Move

  1. Sarah says:

    Dear Michelle,
    A half marathon? Before moving all that stuff out of your apartment??? My dad has a word to describe people like you.
    “Batshit Crazy.” hahaha


    ps. glad you guys made it safely and planned for a weekend away rather to celebrate the move!

  2. G3 says:

    Good way to acclimatize yourselves to the province and area. One positive you have to add to your list is you are escaping the HST for a bit longer. We are feeling it here.

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